Banana Boat Productions in collaboration with New Perspectives Theatre Company

Taking stock of the past is not all it’s cracked up to be. In this award-winning play Archie, recently widowed, takes a hard look at married life.

Cinderella Syndrome

by Zeno Obi Constance (Trinidad)

Directed by Merlina Rich

What’s better, part time madness or full time sadness? Domestic abuse drives Virginia into a re-imagined fairy tale of temporary, but unsteady comfort.

Cindy Brown Lindon Ferryman Shykia Fields Ronald Millwood Tessa Martin Ravin Patterson Carsey Walker Jr.*

Costume Design Merlina Rich
Set Design Meganne George
Sound Design Teresa Lotz
Lighting Design Ethan Steimel
Stage Manager Carolina Arboleda
Associate Producer Melody Brooks
Produced by Merlina Rich

November 7 - 16, 2014

New Perspectives Studio
458 West 37th Street, NYC @ (10th Avenue)

Performed with Lifetime as part of Truth & Accommodations

*Appearing courtesy of Actor’s Equity Association

This production is made possible, in part, with public funds from the Fund for Creative Communities,
supported by NYS Council on the Arts and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

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Theatre Review: ‘Truths and Accommodations’
by Banana Boat Productions at New Perspectives Theatre Company

Life is all about truths and accommodations. Some truths and accommodations may be so dark that they needn’t ever be brought to light. But what if they were brought to light? What would we see? How would it affect us? I’m sure it would change our perspectives on how we see certain life situations. And that is precisely what the production Truths and Accommodations produced and directed by Merlina Rich captures most truthfully. Truths and Accommodations is a production comprised of two emotionally driven plays. The first is Lifetime written by Nigel Moffat and the second is Cinderella Syndrome written by Zeno Obi Constance. What makes this production stand out with such vivacity is the intermingling between the Caribbean cultural flair and the emotionally charged themes in each of these plays. Truths and Accommodations is a production unlike any other I have experienced…and it’s fantastic!

“…touched my soul with empathy and a clearer understanding of life and love.

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