Banana Boat Productions in collaboration with New Perspectives Theatre Company

CROSSING BOUNDARIES: Two Short Caribbean Plays


By Mustapha Matura (Trinidad)

Sometimes what starts out as a free ride ends up costing a whole lot more.

Adam Davenport

Dueling Voices

By Zeno Obi Constance (Trinidad)

Lessons learned don’t always take place in the classroom.

Adetnuke Adetunji, Tonisha Clinton, Steven Martin,
Denise Mosiana, Kele Mogotsi, Amir Royale

Directed by Merlina Rich

Costume Design Merlina Rich
Set Design Meganne George
Lighting Design Joyce Liao
Assistant Director Shykia Fields
Associate Producer Melody Brooks
Produced by Merlina Rich

August 18 - 27, 2016
Wed-Sat @ 7:30 pm, Sun @ 4pm

New Perspectives Studio
458 West 37th Street, NYC @ (10th Avenue)

Adults $20/ Students & Seniors $16. TDF accepted
Reservations: 212-630-9945
or [email protected]

Advance Tickets

This production is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement,
supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership
with the City Council and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo
and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

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